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Small Devs
Years Active: 1973-77
Special Topic on Episode -
Small developers who released 3 or fewer games during their attempt at breaking into the videogame market.
Games List
-Amutech LTD (1977, ep 77)
The Great White Buffalo Hunt
Mine Sweeper
Space Ace
-Amutronics (1973, ep 77)
TV Ping Pong
TV Hockey
TV Hustler
-Century Consolidated (1976, ep 81)
The Grand-Slam VIII
-Fascination, Ltd (1975-76, ep 39)
Fascination 500
Fascination 600 Handicap
Fascination 700 AKA Fascination
-Gametech (1976, ep 45)
Olympic 9
-Sofadis (1976, ep 81)
Univers 2
-TBM (1978, ep 81)
Off Limits/Super Off Limits
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